Felix, thanks for your Valentine’s greetings. Yes, the bronchoscopy went well. The results from my annual are back. There are no signs of rejection or infection, so all is well. My lung function is up to 58%, a little higher than last time I was tested. In addition to going to school and working on the newsletter, I have been climbing a lot recently. Last week, I on-signted my first 5.11a on top-rope since the transplant so that was encouraging. I find the harder climbs a lot more interesting. I have also started up my women’s climbing club again (sheclimbs)and met some new friends. I have been trying some other activities, too. A couple weeks ago, I played tennis with Ana and Isa. (Rupie, Isa’s dog, wanted to play but she had to watch from outside the fence. Luckily, she had two bones to occupy her.) Last Saturday, I also played table tennis with Robin and Robert, and took a 3-mile walk around the lake in Fremont. Table tennis may be my new event for the Transplant Games! On February 13th, I talked at the LAM support group. The members of the group are not yet at the stage of the waiting list, but it may become their only option for extended lives, since there is no cure for LAM. It was good to be able to share my personal experience with them, and it was something I could do for others. Stacey, from Belmont
Note from Felix
Hi Stacey! I just wanted to wish you a happy Valentine’s and to wish you the best of luck with the newsletter and catching up on classes. Are you recovering from the bronchoscopy okay? Take care and talk to you soon! love, -felix, from Fort Collins
Note from Stacey
Monday, I got up at 5:00 a.m. to get to the hospital by 6:45 for morning lab tests. These included x-rays, urinalysis, a blood draw, a Pulmonary Function Test (including a six-minute walk test) and an Echo study. Tuesday was another early morning. I checked into the hospital at 6:15 a.m. for my bronchoscopy. I was given the anesthesia at around 8:30 a.m. and did not wake up until around noon, in the recovery room. No memories! I felt okay, but very groggy. Dave took the whole day off work and spent the evening with me. I really appreciated his support. Today, I’m back at the college, trying to get caught up in my classes after all this hospital business! Stacey, from Belmont
Note from Stacey
This week I was very busy with finishing the newsletter for the Transplant Recipients International Organization. It was the first issue I have published. I think it turned out fairly well. If anyone is interested in a copy, let me know. The cost is $15 for a year’s subscription. With the newsletter done, I had the opportunity to go to another Youth Climbing League comp to cheer on my old team and climbing students, and chat with many of the parents. After the competition, the Levin family had me over for dinner. It was a tasty Thai curry chicken dish! Afterwards, I went home to play Scrabble with Dave. Today, I gave a climbing lesson to my student, 13-year-old Ilan Gray. He is getting pretty strong. Much to my delight, I found out that he did the most pull-ups in his class in a P.E. test last week! About four years ago, I had given him a pull-up bar and it looks like he has been using it. He is also improving his bouldering skills; he has jumped two levels (from V0 to V2+) in just two months, and has joined the Twisters competitive team. My climbing is also going well. I have reduced my current 5.11d project to only two falls. I have yet to send (climb without falling) any 5.11’s on top-rope but I think it’s going to be in the next couple months. Tomorrow I will have my annual physical, along with several hospital lab tests. Tuesday, I will have a minor surgery called a bronchoscopy, in which the doctor takes a small sample of lung tissue and tests it for signs of infection or rejection. Stacey, from Belmont
Note from Stacey
Denise, Thank you so much for the ski picture. It is adorable! I’ll bet Sophia picked up skiing quickly. That’s great you are able to rent a cabin with friends. I have had a busy weekend. On Saturday, I attended a Youth Climbing League competition in Santa Clara. It was great to see all the kids having fun and visit with the parents. The YCL director, Allison Levy, is having a silent auction fund-raiser for me to help with expenses for the U.S. Transplant Games trip in June. On Sunday, I got sick at the coffee shop…it surprised me, because I have not thrown up for a couple weeks and thought I was over it. The nausea was short-lived, and later I met a friend named Kent to climb at the gym. It was a great climbing day…I worked my way up a 5.11d overhang with four falls. It was the best climbing I have done since the transplant. Later, on a climb next to me, a 3-year-old was crying, stuck and scared 20 feet above the ground. My inner youth coach took over, and I climbed up to comfort her and help her down. She calmed down quickly and made it safely to the ground, much to her relief. Sunday night, my friend Cindy had Dave, Kent and me over for dinner. She made Tandoori chicken, salad, and sauteed apples. We all brought food to add, and it was really enjoyable. It reminded me of old times when we had a tight group of climbing friends. I look forward to hosting a dinner at our apartment. Today, I am working on classes and the newsletter again. They keep me very busy. I am much happier being busy and learning new things these days. Stacey, from Belmont
Note from Denise
Hi Stacey, We’re just back from a weekend of skiing – actually it was only 1 1/2 hours of skiing in total, but the idea is to get Sophia comfortable with it and have a good time. We rented a cabin with two other families – all the kids were about the same age and they all went skiing together and had ski lessons. Then we went inner-tubing afterwards (I was scared, Sophie was thrilled). Boy were we tired when we got home. Here’s a picture of S with Una, her ski teacher. Love you! Denise, from Riga
Note from Stacey
Hi Denise, I’m so glad the girls are enjoying the package! Thanks for writing. I have been busy with my classes and editing the TRIO newsletter. I have also been getting some good exercise in badminton class. I have been playing with a new partner named Javier, who has played for many years. With him, I can practice important skills that I will need for the 2006 Transplant Games in June. Stacey, from Belmont
Note from Denise
Hi Stacey, I can’t even tell you how much the girls loved your’Christmas extras’ package. Sophia is wild about the monkeys. She is mapping out their position in the monkey family tree (she immediately collected all her other monkeys and lined’em up). One now has a purse at all times and the other has shorts (his-and-hers outfits). And of course both are wearing matching yellow’livestrong’ plastic belts that are NOT bracelets. Mia could care less about the monkeys (nothing personal, it’s her age) but she thinks the box you sent is just the greatest. She is filling and emptying it over and over and of course climbing on it. Sophie tried to take it to make a monkey-car and Mia shrieked and stomped her feet. Thanks for the great presents, Aunt Stacey! Love, Denise, from Riga
Note from Stacey
Felix, thanks for the encouraging article. I guess I should continue planning for retirement at 65, eh? The past month, during the winter break (without classes) has been difficult. Without a daily schedule, my mind wandered temporarily into a blank void and I felt down and lethargic, (except for climbing.) My friend Amelia does energy work and she generously gave me a free session. I mentioned wanting to feel more motivated, and we explored some feelings and goals. It has been a couple weeks and life is really picking up since then. Classes started today and I am indeed feeling more motivated! I feel good learning new skills, being out in the world. I have also been getting out with some friends. On Thursday, I went to a TRIO (Transplant Recipients International Organization) meeting with my friend Marcus. I am the new editor, so it was important that I attend. Friday, I hiked the Stanford dish route (about 3 1/2 miles) with Rhona. It was great to enjoy nature again. Saturday, I coached a lesson at the climbing gym, then worked on the newsletter. Sunday I coached another lesson at the gym, then I spent a relaxing day with Dave…we found a beautiful new park trail called Laurelwood, and then climbed at the gym. I am happy to say I am working my way up some 5.11 top-rope climbs on good days, with rests, although most climbs I can do without falling are rated 5.10a. On Monday, I met with new friend named Christine at Rinconada Park in Palo Alto. Christine’s seven-year-old son Zachary is living on oxygen, and awaiting a double-lung transplant at Stanford Hospital. We strolled around the park and my old neighborhood. I showed them the house that I lived in as a child (Zachary’s age) on the corner of Harker and Harriet streets. Zachary thoroughly enjoyed playing on the swings and going down the slide (with his oxygen tank close behind.) His laughter warmed my heart. He clearly knows how to enjoy the moment. As we walked, he energetically bunny-hopped ahead, pushing the stroller with two tanks in the seat. At the playground, I did some exercising– alking and jogging around the 1/4 mile track. I also tried pull-ups on the playground, and to my delight, I managed one set of five in a row…a definite improvement since the last time I tested myself. In my pre-transplant days, I was able to do 15 sets of five in one day…but this is a good start, and I was pleased. Stacey, from Belmont
Note from Felix
I thought you would like this article, Stacey! It is about Carroll Shelby (a man), who is a legend in the automotive world. Almost two decades ago (I think) he received a heart transplant, and apparently at age 83 he is still going strong. I say this because he was recently seen driving a prototype at 85-130 mph (depending on who you believe) and doing wheelies in front of Ford engineers! http://tinyurl.com/796n6 Take care, Stacey! love, -felix, from Fort Collins