Note from Stacey

After the social activities all week, by Sunday I was exhausted. I was able to teach a private lesson, but then I went over to my aunt’s house with the intention of studying for my computer class for many hours. After studying just a little bit, I took a long nap instead. Monday, I talked to the Financial Aid Director at the College of San Mateo, and she helped me apply for the Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver, so my college classes are all free now! With this new price, I became very academically motivated and signed up for full-time classes this next quarter. Tuesday afternoon, I climbed with Rob and Marci, and even though I was tired it felt satisfying to work on some harder routes. With some cheating, I worked my way up a 5.10d and really enjoyed the bad holds. It is a good way to get a real workout. I also got on a 5.10b overhang, but by that time I was already tired and needed to rest a lot by hanging on the rope in-between the moves. This method of working your way up a route is called “hang-dogging.” In the 1980’s, there was a big debate over climbing style. The traditionalists regarded “hang-dogging” as cheating. For them, the only pure way to climb a route would be to complete it from the ground, not hang on the rope to rest or inspect holds. This issue caused major controversy within the climbing community. Eventually, hang-dogging became an acceptable way of practicing and climbing routes; a way of extending the possibilities of difficulty level and gymnastic style in the sport. Stacey, from Belmont

Note from Stacey

Felix, thanks for your birthday message. I look forward to seeing you when you get home from your road trip! Rebecca, it was great to see you at the skating party. Thank you for your gift and the beautiful card. Denise, I received your birthday gift the day before my birthday, and I also enjoyed the digital photo of Sophia’s card! Thank you so much, it was so cute. It has been a very social birthday week. Tuesday, I climbed with Rob and had him over for dinner with Dave and me. Wednesday, I climbed the stadium steps with Ana and also spent time with her over Chinese dinner. Thursday, I attended a support group, then went to Lawrence’s yoga class, and later Ami took me out to dinner with Jim, Levi and Lawrence to celebrate our birthdays. (It was Jim’s birthday on Thursday.) Friday, I awoke to a sweet phone call from Sophia, saying “Happy Birthday, Aunt Stacey!” Later, I went to the track with Will and practiced technique for long jump, and then was treated to dinner by Aunt Lorraine, Brenda, VJ, and Dave. Saturday, we had the big ice-skating party at Belmont Iceland. It was wonderful to see so many friends at once. About 25 people showed up throughout the afternoon, including many of the kids from the Planet Granite and Twisters climbing teams. They are all getting older and taller, and skated around in a pack of young teenagers. Most of the adults who came hadn’t skated in years, but they were good sports and got out on the ice anyway! Dave, the clever party host, ordered a chocolate cake decorated with a hill going over the number “40.” There were three climbers on the hill. One was near the top, to symbolize that at 38, I’m almost “over the hill.” The other two, Zoe and Maya, were near the bottom, because they turned only 8 years old (it was their birthday, too.) I really appreciated people showing up to help me celebrate yet another year. It has been a rough one, and a lot of people helped me get through the illness and transplant almost a year ago. I have a new life with these lungs, with more freedom and strength, and I have to value every day from now on. I am grateful for life, and those who have shown their love. Stacey, from Belmont

Note from Stacey

On Sunday I had the privilege of taking an outdoor climbing trip to Indian Rock, near Castle Rock State Park. Dave and I met Sasha, Josh, Tom, Pat, and Kathy at the rocks, so it was quite a party. While Dave set up an anchor on the south face of the main rock, Sasha, Josh, and I warmed up on the nearby Hash Rock. At first, I was unsure I would be able to boulder at all, but much to my satisfaction I was able to do some familiar climbs! Hash Rock, small but filled with familiar routes, is my favorite rock to play on in the park. Sasha and Josh, who are both elite youth climbers, happily climbed a myriad of boulder problems while Dave, Kathy and I concentrated on the main rock. We especially had fun leading the 5.8+ slab route, a tricky climb that sports no good hand-holds. Thus, one must use proper technique and look for those ever-so-subtle footholds. I actually found a new foothold that I had never used in all my years of climbing the route, so clipping the first bolt was much easier than I ever remember. Then we moved on to the 5.10a “Puckered Starfish” next to it. I was happy to redpoint (climb without falling) the climb, which I have not climbed in about five years, on one of the first sheclimbs trips. It was rejuvenating to get out in nature, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with friends. Since Sasha lives in Santa Cruz, I hadn’t seen her since before the transplant, when she was training for the World Speed Championships in Bulgaria. Now she and Josh are off to a four-month trip to South America to have more adventures! Stacey, from Belmont

Note from Stacey

Friday, I had my monthly shot of octreotide. It is an IM (Intra-muscle) shot. The needle is so big it even scares the nurses, since I am so small and thin. The nurse asked me to stand up and bend over the chair while she gave me the shot. It brought back memories of junior high at a tiny school in Joyce, Washington. One afternoon, my parents came to class to talk about transferring me from 7th grade math to 9th grade math, and we were told to wait outside for a minute. It was school policy for the teachers to hit “bad” students with wooden paddles with holes in them, and the teacher was in the middle of a paddling session. I find it hard to believe I lived in a time where capital punishment in the public schools was the norm. Well…the shot was not nearly as painful as I imagine a whack with a paddle would be, but it did leave me a little sore for two days. Stacey, from Belmont

Note from Stacey

Cherie, thanks for your note and encouragement! Despite my athletic improvements, I continue to be reminded of my transplant because I am still getting sick all of a sudden…yesterday, I threw up twice in the bagel shop so I guess I’ll start carrying around a plastic bag with me. I’m also holding off on accepting a job immediately until things are more stable, but I’m continuing to look and interview for positions. I will be teaching private climbing lessons at Twisters again starting Oct. 9th, and I am excited about that! Meanwhile, I continue to train and look forward to the Transplant Games. If anyone is interested in coming, mark your calendars now! It will be June 16-21,2006, in Louisville, Kentucky. Stacey, from Belmont

Note from Stacey

Another birthday is approaching (Oct. 7)and Dave is hosting an ice-skating party for us! What fun it will be. I cannot believe I am almost 38. Last year, I could not be so active because I was attached to oxygen tanks…so we had a potluck at Eva’s. But this year, we can go wild and crazy! Stacey, from Belmont

Note from Stacey

Miki, thanks for stopping by the site! I’m glad Wally is doing okay with his cancer treatments. Yes, I’ve been busy getting back into a myriad of life activities. Classes are going well, (I have an “A” in both so far!) I’m looking for jobs, and yesterday went to volunteer to sort clothes to send to the Hurricane Katrina victims. I’m also practicing badminton and track and field events. I’m up to jumping 9′ 10″ now, and see hope for improvement! Stacey, from Belmont

Note from Stacey

Aunt Norrie, nice to hear from you. Yes, I did graduate from the UW-Milwaukee. I hope you are recovering well from your knee surgery. Rebecca, it’s great to be in touch with you again! I’m looking forward to spending time with you. I have been busy with classes and the job hunt. I have a few leads now. This Saturday, I went to the track to practice jogging and also do the long jump. I looked up technique on the internet, applied the method, and improved for a personal best of 9′! I am excited for this, since it is a very competitive jump for my age group at the Transplant Games. Stacey, from Belmont

Note from Stacey

Wednesday, I went to the stadium with Isa, Ana and Rupie, Isa’s dog. Rupie is very cute to watch at the stadium. She squeaks with excitement and anticipation about going up the bleachers, and follows Isa up and down the stairs for an hour. It is a joy to watch all three of them coming down together from the top. Thursday, I went on a wonderful hike with Isa and Rupie to Windy Hill. Windy Hill is pretty steep, and it was difficult for me. I went slowly, but Isa was patient. Rupie bounded ahead, pulling Isa up the hill at times. Friday, I had the wonderful honor of attending Lynn Hill’s presentation/fundraiser at the Patogonia San Francisco store. I went with Dave, Richard, Joshua, and Yuri. It was great to see Lynn. She always gives a quality show, and afterwards she generously sold her books and videos to benefit my medical fund! She always takes time to connect with her fans in a personal way, and writes very nice notes with her autographs. Today, after having a nice lunch with Aunt Lorraine and cousin Brenda, I went to the climbing gym with Dave. After warming up, I ended up red-pointing (climbing without falling or resting on the rope) a 5.9 overhang…the hardest lead climb since the transplant. I was really happy to accomplish this, since leading is a bit harder than top-rope. (In lead climbing, the climber brings up the rope instead of using a rope that is already anchored at the top…the difference is that the potential fall is further if the climber loses control. In top-roping, the climber only falls a few inches if properly belayed.) Stacey, from Belmont

Note from Stacey

Michelle, thanks for the news and encouragement. I’ll be in touch soon! I spent most of Sunday writing about the transplant experience. I am glad I have this journal to look back. When I read through it, I have to admit that I am surprised at what my thoughts were at the time, and that I was able to cope in a positive way. Some of the writing is even poetic! I am really grateful to those who were so kind to keep my spirits up during the hardest times, especially before and after the transplant (entry 446) and when I went back into the hospital (entry 605) Those notes and visits really made a difference in my life. (Denise, thanks for keeping in such close contact through my journal!) Reflecting back helps me learn more and draw upon the experiences of the last two years. When I turned 30, I remember my birthday wish for wisdom. Maybe I will become wise at 40… Sunday night we had a potluck at my house, with Cindy, Guy, Parch, Dave and myself. It was really great to see them all and share good food. Parch brought homemade bread, and Guy made a terrific fish soup that I am enjoying today also! Stacey, from Belmont