Note from Stacey

Aunt Carol, thank you so much for checking in! It is great to hear from you. I am at the college right now, intent on learning the finer points of the Windows operations system. It is all quite basic, but important. I’m trying to improve my computer skills for a better career in the future, when I get off disability next year. Badminton is challenging. Some of the better players know how to place the shots so I have to run around a bit. It’s tiring but fun! Today, my partner Cindy and I barely lost to Orlando and Rich, 17-15. We came up from trailing by 8 points! The instructor and classmates are understanding, and let me rest if I get out of breath. Job-hunting is going pretty well. I have been offered one part-time position so far, and I have another interview on Thursday. Stacey, from Belmont

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