Note from Stacey

Felix, thanks for dropping by the site. I hope you recover from the over-training. I have started upper-body training now. The head physical therapist, Milenna, is very good at encouraging people. She had me using 4 lb. dumbells and doing sets of 10 of various exercises, plus the pulley machine which exercises the lats. I was encouraged because even though I am very weak, I am stronger than I thought I was. We did the 6-minute walk, and I could walk 1/3 of a mile in that time. So that would be an 18 min/mile pace, which isn’t too bad if I can make it one mile. I will measure this weekend when I go to the track. I am now going to the hospital three times per day for the shots, so I’m trying to get exercise walking back and forth, which takes about 10 minutes one way. It is beautiful weather, and good to be out in the fresh air that often. Stacey, from H.O.M.E. apartments

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