Cherie, Felix and Michelle, thanks for your good wishes and congratulations! The Transplant Games…so many wonderful memories in one week…it hard to convey the spirit of the Games in words, but I will do my best. As the Games approached, I was in the best physical condition in years. At my check-up, I scored 66% of normal lung capacity, and had recently completed a personal best of 100 pull-ups in sets of five. I had just completed a season of badminton with the Skyline college team. Not knowing what to expect, I hoped for the best in the singles badminton competition. I arrived in Louisville and found my mother Laura annd cousin Andy holding up a sign that said, “Nor-Cal/Nev,” my team name, complete with balloons. It was made out of a teal rain poncho, and I was very touched by the gesture! We drove to the campground and were warmly welcomed by the entourage: My sister Denise, her husband Jerry, their kids, Sophia (pictured)and Mia; my relatives and friends–John, Rosie, Jackie, Katie, Sherry, Bonnieli, Jinnifer, Marion, Dan, Elita, and later Michelle, Colleen and Brittany. We were there for the U.S. Transplant Games and making a family vacation out of it. Every day and night was a flurry of activity that started a 6 a.m., people were floating among the different cabins and campsites, children were playing and laughing, and the adults were catching up on family matters. Sophia, with her absolutely adorable, loving and intelligent four-year-old charm was like a brightly shining star glowing on everyone., – Stacey, from Belmont
Note from Michelle
Hello Stacey! It was great seeing you and your wonderful family at the transplant games in Louisville. Even though you cleaned house winning the gold in the women’s badminton division, the non-transplant games that occured after when you swept the gold from your Co-ed competition was just as exciting! I heard the 2008 US transplant games are in Pittsburgh! Love Michelle, Brain, Colleen and Brittany, from Milwaukee WI
Note from Felix
WOW! I just heard from Stacey. She just won the gold in badmitton at the Transplant Games. Now she is even thinking of going to the World Championships next year. Great going Stacey! We are all very proud of you! -Felix, from scorching Stockton
Note from Felix
Hi Stacey! Just wanted to wish you good luck in the Transplant Games in KY and that you have fun in the badmitton event. When you get back to CA, I would love to see you. Will give you a call! In the meantime, take care! love, -Felix, from Stockton
Note from Cherie
Stacey: It was great chatting with you the other day. Good luck at the Transplant Games!!! I still think there should be a Transplant X-Games, you’d clean house. Unfortunately, I don’t think this would be so popular with the doctors. :confused: Good luck again, and have fun! Love, Cherie, from Oakland
Note from Felix
Hi Stacey! I thought of you today. A nurse just came over to take some fluid specimens for insurance purposes, and, like you, when she drew blood I decided to watch the entire thing. Normally I look away and cringe but then I remembered you and how you watch the nurses stick you with needles… pretty neat 🙂 Anyhow, another thing I thought of you the other week. I finally exceeded the distance of “Stacey’s Run From Lam,” this time doing 53 miles, in Wyoming. I would never have had the confidence to do that distance if the 40-miler with you had not gone so well. Attached is a photo (taken early in the race when I wasn’t walking yet 🙂 ) I will be in CA later this month. Will give you a call! love, -Felix, from Fort Collins
Note from Stacey
Hi Denise and Felix, Thanks so much for your pictures and messages. I am really looking forward to the Games! Mia is adorable. I haven’t seen her since she was 3 months old. She looks so strong and healthy. I have been working on the TRIO newsletter, and organizing sheclimbs trips. I will put up a link with pictures soon!, – Stacey, from Belmont
Note from Denise Wirth
Hi Stacey, Here’s a photo that shows Mia Marie’s technique – click on it to enlarge. Yes, that is her foot up by her ear. She is very strong and very flexible. Maybe you can take her to the gym soon? See you in about a week, we are so excited! Love, Denise, from Riga
Note from Denise Wirth
Hi Stacey, Here’s the playpen pic I told you about. We added the top bar a little while ago, and that slowed her down for about a day. Now she can easily scamper over that as well! Your neice truly takes after you! I love you, Denise, from Riga
Note from Felix
Hi Stacey! I am glad you are doing well. Good luck at the transplant games! I should be in CA in late June and then late July, and will definitely try to give you a call. In the meantime, take care! love, -Felix, from Fort Collins