Note from Stacey

Felix, thanks for the hint! As usual, Felix has been doing some incredible athletic feats himself, such as climbing the face of Half-Dome and doing 200-mile cycling events. Check out his website blog at w w w. (without the spaces.) At this point in my life, connections with people are very important. I hope it will always be this way, but I know once I get better I will have a job and less time to spend with people. Last week I had the pleasure of going on a memorable picnic to Twin Pines Park with Rhona. It was a happy discovery to find a little park so close to my house. Rhona spread out some towels on the picnic table in the woods and laid out the meal…tofu, sesame green beans, red cabbage and vinnegar, rice cakes, fuji apples, and ginger tea! I was very impressed at her thoughtfulness and good taste in food! Stacey, from Belmont

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