
This is my first time posting a comment on Stacey’s website, so here goes…

I just read the post about Eva’s loss. I only met her once, but I can understand the pain she must be going through right now. I have lost an Aunt and Uncle in relatively similar conditions, (although they died before I was born) and my parents have told me about them. But even so, it is so sad to lose someone at such a young age, when they have their whole life before them. I will also pass my condolences on to Eva.

I haven’t been climbing much lately, mostly due to my training for my black belt in November, but it sounds like things are going well in the climbing circuit without me ;). Stacey- I liked your little post on the soccer camps that you did. The bit about the kids cutting corners around the flags- that definitely sounds like something kids would do. I am looking forward?to being at the 4th Climb-a-thon in December, although I would like it to be at Sunnyvale even if it is a lot closer for most people in Belmont. Oh well. Anyway, I hope that it goes well wherever the location. Whoops, its 30 minutes past my bedtime, so I guess I’d better sign off.
