Here is a picture of Isa and Rupie on our walk to Waterdog Lake on Thursday. They are such dear friends. Isa, it was a true dream come true to attend the Transplant Games with you and Ana. If you have any cool pictures maybe you could post one? Michelle, great to hear from you. The years havejust flown by since Denise’s wedding! Wasn’t Europe exciting? Denise, thanks for the excellent picture and cute note from Sophie. I was so happy to see you at the Games. Mom, what a wonderful entry. Thanks for describing the essence of the Games so well, and what it meant to us. There was an article in the San Mateo/Redwood City Daily news about Ana, Isa and me and the Transplant Games. It is a very nice article! If you are interested in a copy, please e-mail me. – Stacey, from Belmont