Denise, thank you for your lovely note! It has been quite a year. One of my most vivid memories was waking up in the ICU with new lungs, waving to all the doctors and nurses, and furiously writing notes to my friends, excited to be alive. This was followed by a difficult two-week hospital stay of no sleep, sweating in bed, and dramatic mood swings…and kind visits from family and friends. Then came the rigorous schedule of daily hospital appointments, nutritious, gourmet meals prepared by my mom, and an ambitious self-motivated rehab program consisting of first walking, then climbing hundreds of flights of stairs…usually with Dave by my side. I took many long nature walks with my mother, too. At 3 months post-transplant, it was back to the hospital again, for a visit to the ICU, two months in bed with nausea, plus a second surgery…and various friends and family visiting. Those visits were really memorable. Then I started a second recovery, a bit slower than the first, gradually getting back into active life again. The most wonderful thing about this recovery was getting back into climbing again, and being able to spend time with friends at the gym. The setback left me with 50% lung capacity, enough to do daily activities but limiting in sports. The year has had its ups and downs, and Tuesday I was taken out to Thai dinner to celebrate the one-year milestone. Carrie, Richard, Joshua, Yuri, Dave and Lorraine shared this special day. On this Thanksgiving day, I am thankful to my donor, for giving me new life. I am also grateful to my mother and Dave for taking such good care of me after the transplant, and to all the thoughtful climber friends who visited me, or donated to my medical fund. I am glad my transplant friends have made it through the first year (30% don’t!) I am thankful to my cousin Brenda, who provided a beautiful, delicious Thanksgiving meal and a lovely gathering with my Aunt Lorraine and Uncle Ron, too. Stacey, from Belmont