Felix, thanks for taking care of my website. Nice to hear from you! On Sunday, I played in a badminton doubles tournament at a professional club called the Golden Gate Badminton Club. It was a great event. There were four levels: A,B,C/D (combined.) I entered the lowest flight, but my team was quickly beaten in the first match, 15-2, 15-7, and then we went to the consolation round. Even though I got in some good moves, we lost the first consolation round, too. I had trouble catching my breath, so I played up front while my partner, Anna Dang, ran around in the back. It was tough playing against such good players, and the experience really humbled me. At first I felt disappointed at how far I have to go, but now I am motivated to get stronger and better at the sport. Looking back, I realize that it was an accomplishment to just participate, be able to play the games, and not get sick in the process and have to drop out. Before the competition, I was worried about disappointing my partner. For someone who has excelled at sports in the past, it is a hard reality that my body is not up to competition level among able-bodied athletes. Maybe the Transplant Games will be different. We will see…, Stacey, from Belmont